Corporate HDQ:
ETAS Corporation 2616 S. Loop W. (I-610 Freeway) Suite 595 Houston, TX 77054
Office: (713) 569-5582 Fax: (713) 349-0683
As part of our environmental restoration capabilities, ETAS Corporation
has extensive experience characterizing release sites. REpresentative projects demonstrating our site characteriztion capabilities include two RCRA Facility Investigation projects, a project for characterization in support of risk-based site closures, characterization for gurther planning of RI/FS activites, a characterization project to support a final RCRA Facility Investigation, and a project for delineating a groundwater contaminant plume. These are listed below and can be accessed by clicking on the project types.

Abandoned Quarry Characterization: Prj-082, Site
Characterization, Environmental Risk Assessment, and Corrective Measure Study.

Wetland Characterization: Prj-020, SWMU and Wetland
Site Investigation.

Charaterization Supporting Risk-Based Closures: Prj-092, Expedited
Complete (Soil and Groundwater) Plume Delineation, ECPD.

Characterization Supporting RI/FS Activities: Prj-094, Site
Characterization of Operable Units for Track 1 Site Cosure, Track 2 Removal Actions, and for Further RI/FS Activities.

Charaterization Supporting Final RFI: Prj-176, Site
Characterization, OSTP RCRA Facility Investigation.

Delineation of Groundwater Plume: Prj-184, Investigation of the
perched and Ogallala Aquifers.