Corporate HDQ:
ETAS Corporation 2616 S. Loop W. (I-610 Freeway) Suite 595 Houston, TX 77054
Office: (713) 569-5582 Fax: (713) 349-0683
The thermal technologies for which ETAS Corporation
has demonstrated capability and expertise include mercury retorting, low temperature thermal desorption and high temperature thermal treatment, vapor recovery, and thermal tank degasification. The application of these technologies is demonstrated in the below listed projects, which can be accessed by clicking on the project types.

Mecury Retorting: Prj-113, Mercury Retorting.

Low Temperature Thermal Desorption: Prj-157, Processing and Thermo
Treatment of RCRA F-and K- Wastes.

High Temperature Thermal Treatment: Prj-113, Mercury Retorting; and Prj-157, Processing and Thermo Treatment of RCRA F- and K- Wastes.

Vapor Recovery: Prj-113, Mercury Retorting; and Prj-157, Processing and Thermo Treatment of RCRA F- an K- Wastes

Thermal Tank Degasification: Prj-149, Tank Waste Retrieval, Tank
Cleaning, and Waste Sludge Processing