Corporate HDQ:

ETAS Corporation
2616 S. Loop W.
 (I-610 Freeway)
Suite 595
Houston, TX 77054

Office: (713) 569-5582
Fax: (713) 349-0683

Soil and Groundwater Remediation:  Prj-009

Services Provided

ü Environmental Restoration
ü Site Characterization
ü Treatability, Lab and Field
ü Waste Retrieval, Transportation,
ü Risk Assessment, Risk-Based Closure

Technologies Used

ü Acid-Desorption, Enhance Soil Flushing
ü Groundwater Extraction
ü Drilling
ü Excavation


ü Groundwater, Soil
ü Hazardous
ü Commercial Client


ü Creative solution applied to drilling
ü Innovative treatability to enhance soil
ü Timely excavation to accommodate
    customer's work schedule
ü Risk-based approach to achieve closure

Title: Soil and Groundwater Remediation and Risk-Based Closure

Client: Texas Instruments
Dallas, Texas

This soil and groundwater remediation project involved application of technologies and engineering methods to cleanup/treat the residues of hazardous waste constituents (heavy metal and organics) in soil and groundwater resulting from electro-plating operations. Work performed included treatability testing using a lab-scale acid extraction prototype to test the performance of the acid-desorption technology on soil and groundwater remediation. It also included on-site pump testing, soil flushing, seepage rate measurement, and acquisition of other hydrogeologic parameters.The test data were then used for a detailed remedial design, which was followed by remedial action, including the installation and operation of soil flushing and groundwater pump and treat systems. Other work included risk assessment, clean-up level assessment, soil excavation, closure planning, and regulatory agency negotiation. Drilling was performed in a basement with an extremely low ceiling; ETAS Corporation was able to resolve the access problem by using a miniaturized equipment to complete the job, not only ahead of schedule, but also with significant cost saving. As a result of our treatability testing involving acid digestion, adsorption isotherm tests, and modeling capability, ETAS concluded that the site could be closed using the newly promulgated Texas risk reduction rule, requiring only a limited amount of soil excavation.

Accomplishments: With the customer's interest in mind, ETAS Corporation applied creativity and innovation, combined with an effective closure strategy, to bring a successfully conclusion to this environmental restoration project.


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